The code did not account for responses that didn’t match any of the dictionaries, and did not tag if a response falls into multiple categories, so we had to do that manually later on.
1061 people mention "lack of" as a key theme in design.
355 people mention "understanding" as a key theme in design.
1061 people mention "lack of" as a key theme in design.
lack of awareness on giving designers260 people mention "quality" as a key theme in design.
quality172 people mention "expectation" as a key theme in design.
expectations to do our jobs well. Often overloading with diverse work and no support, leaving us spread thin and worn out. Mental exhaustion from playing 3-4 different roles on 3-4 different projects."280 people mention "tech" as a key theme in design.
tech companies. Giving too much emphasis to design without honest assessments of impact."1061 people mention "lack of" as a key theme in design.
Lack of regulation on the internet825 people mention "value" as a key theme in design.
value of our work. You wouldn't1644 people mention "pay" as a key theme in design.
pay your lawyer the same. We're just as important for your business."189 people mention "freelance" as a key theme in design.
Freelancing has been very eye opening. Self employment taxes are incredibly rough, and the inconsistency of freelancing work is making life very stressful. When I do work with clients, they don't understand the value of having illustrations and good branding, and they almost become hostile when they hear my prices. Being a small town, I can't work locally because no one here wants to pay for260 people mention "quality" as a key theme in design.
quality work because they fail to see the825 people mention "value" as a key theme in design.
value."138 people mention "commoditization / consumerism / Capitalism" as a key theme in design.
consumerism [...] It's a way to make people work too much, to buy stuff they don't need, to impress people they don't care about [...] Design makes shitty stuff look nice and we're too image-obsessed to see past the materialism of1061 people mention "lack of" as a key theme in design.
lack of355 people mention "understanding" as a key theme in design.
understanding of basic communication skills, thinking that one class in college and access to software makes them designers and problem solvers."825 people mention "value" as a key theme in design.
value of design in order to speak the same language about its importance."160 people mention "social media" as a key theme in design.
social feeds can118 people mention "undervalue / devalue" as a key theme in design.
devalue and desensitize work and art. which can lead to generic/devalued creativity."173 people mention "good design" as a key theme in design.
good design and good designers [...]"1061 people mention "lack of" as a key theme in design.
lack of mentorship and a gap between design education and the type of work designer create on the job."355 people mention "understanding" as a key theme in design.
825 people mention "value" as a key theme in design.
280 people mention "tech" as a key theme in design.
"Technology1061 people mention "lack of" as a key theme in design.
lack of design education, it's just that it's not taught correctly across the board.Schools have different standards and often don't teach practices that are current and used in the workplace today [...]"138 people mention "commoditization/ consumerism/ Capitalism" as a key theme in design.
consumerist Western culture, whose value has proven to be antithetical to the long term280 people mention "tech" as a key theme in design.
technology is the and we currently design products and services without much concern for their effect on our users. Being208 people mention "ethics" as a key theme in design.
ethical and considerate of your user, and not manipulating them for business purposes, I believe should be discussed more in the design community."